Hey beautiful friends! I have thought for you today, well more of a question.
If you had to define yourself as of today, what would your definition be?
Example of definitions for Unfiltered Womanhood posted for reference, below.
un·fil·tered adjective not having been filtered.
wom·an·hood noun the state or condition of being a woman.
How would you define yourself? If you have the answer to this question, wonderful! If you don’t, please know that you are not alone. As a matter of a fact, I’d bet you lunch that there are far more people who don’t know how to answer this question right now, than there are who do.
But I do want you to start thinking more on this. Because if we are to show up every day as our authentic and unfiltered selves we must first define who we are.
Start to take into consideration what you’d like to see if you flipped through a life dictionary and came across your name and photo. Bear in mind, a definition is not a biography. It’s simple in nature, and no more than one or two sentences. It’s also important to note that the things you’ve done or do might help to shape your identity, but they do not define who you are. Your character does. Who are you when the curtain is closed and you no longer have an audience?
The journey of defining and redefining yourself is one of self-exploration, self-work, and self-affirmation. You get to decide who you are by first defining or redefining who you are and showing up as yourself every single day. If you find there are certain traits or flaws you don’t love about your character, guess what? You get to put in the work to make any changes or adjustments necessary to redefine yourself, as often as you need to.
Below I’ll share some tips for defining and redefining yourself:
Reflection: Reflect on your current identity. Assess who it is you are, what are the things you stand for? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What is currently shaping your identity? What would you like to see shape your identity?
Visualize: Envision the person you want to be. Set clear goals and get to work on those goals, now. Remember small goals lead to big achievements. Identify the values, characteristics, and skills you have or would like to have and begin to develop them.
No limits: Identify your self-limiting beliefs and thoughts. Oftentimes, our current identity is shaped by limiting beliefs (often rooted in fear or negativity) hold us back. Identifying them is the first step to eliminating them.
Get uncomfortable: Redefining yourself requires the ability to adjust and embrace change. This will oftentimes require leaving your comfort zone and being open to new experiences, ideas, and people. If “comfort is the enemy of progress” discomfort, when leading to the betterment of yourself, is an ally.
Support Group: Surround yourself with positive people who support you, motivate you, and encourage you on your journey. When you’re surrounded by people who you know have your best interest at heart, you’re more open to correction and constructive criticism, which can both be used to help you to become the best version of yourself.
As always, I’m sending so much love and positive energy to you, on your unfiltered journey!