
Hello beautiful people, I’m Shamira!
I’m thirty-three. I’m a wife to my amazing Husband, Jamar, we’ve been married for over a decade now and together for almost fifteen years. Together we made four beautiful children Rhaelyn 9, Eli 7, Leo 2, and Teo 11 months. We also have a fifth, our fur baby, Oz.
I was born and raised in the sunshine state, Florida, but thanks to my husband’s career as a professional football player turned college football coach, I’ve lived in quite a few states: Florida, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Colorado, California, Mississippi, and soon to be Kentucky.
I love Jesus- my walk with God saved and transformed my life. It is my foundation and at the center of everything I am and everything I do.
I love writing! Who would’ve thought? Okay, practically anyone reading this. But not only do I enjoy writing blogs, but also books, poetry, music, and really anything else creatively.
I love food, I’m a big foodie and I love to cook.
While we’re talking about things that I love, here are a few notable mentions: Coffee, skincare, traveling, fashion, beauty, and good music.
I graduated from the University of South Florida (Go Bulls), with a degree in Broadcast Journalism.
Currently, I’m a proud stay at home mom and housewife/homemaker. I feel so blessed to be able to do so. I both embrace and love it, the good and the crazy, because it gets a little crazy around here.
I’m very intentional in everything I do, time is too precious to waste. I’m both an optimist and hopeless romantic, and I’m always rooting for the underdog.
I’m a special needs mom, and let me tell you, our autism journey has had many challenges, but as a family we’ve all grown and learned so much. I’m an advocate for the autism community and look forward to doing whatever I can to raise both awareness and acceptance.
I’m a student of life, I learn and find lessons in everything.
Last, I’ll leave you words that one of my best friends summarized about this blog so perfectly:
“As women we define ourselves everyday through our community, our passions, our individuality, our love and our grace. Together we can do better, and together we are more. Unfiltered, diverse, strong, and true. We, us, I, you. Wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, and friends…”
You are welcomed to be your authentic and unfiltered selves here.